Have You Winterized Your Garage to Reduce Heating Costs?

Winter has only recently started, as the temperatures remain low with colder days ahead, non-insulated & poorly sealed garage doors contribute to a significant loss of heat from the home! At Brandon’s Garage Doors, we specialize in helping you winterize your garage to protect your space from the cold and elements. Here’s how we can help you cozy up your garage this winter.

Insulation Is Key

A well-insulated garage door is crucial for maintaining a consistent temperature within your garage, keeping the cold out and the warmth in. Our team at Brandon’s Garage Doors can upgrade your existing door with the latest insulation technology or install a new, state-of-the-art insulated garage door. This not only makes your garage more energy-efficient but also saves you money on heating costs in the long run.

Seal the Deal with Weatherproofing

Colorado winters can be harsh, and even the smallest gaps can let in a draft. That’s where our weatherproofing services come in. We can add new weatherproof trim and a bottom seal to your garage door to ensure it’s sealed tight against the winter weather. This prevents any cold air, snow, or moisture from entering your garage, protecting your vehicles, tools, and any other stored items.

Tune-Up for Smooth Operation

Cold weather can cause the metal components of your garage door to contract and stiffen, leading to poor operation or even damage. A pre-winter tune-up by Brandon’s Garage Doors can ensure that your door’s moving parts are lubricated and adjusted correctly for the smoothest operation. We’ll check the springs, openers, tracks, and rollers to make sure everything is in top condition to withstand the winter months.

Stay Warm and Worry-Free

Don’t wait until the first snowfall to think about winterizing your garage door. Contact Brandon’s Garage Doors today to schedule a consultation. With our expert services, you can rest assured that your garage will stay warm, secure, and fully functional all winter long. 

Remember, proper maintenance and timely upgrades can extend the life of your garage door, improve your home’s energy efficiency, and provide peace of mind through the coldest months. 

Call us at (719) 301-1001 or visit our website at https://brandonsgaragedoors.com/ to find out more about how we can help winter-proof your garage. 

Let us winterize your garage for you, so you can enjoy a warmer winter & lower heating bill!